Being A Disciple

The Qualities of a True Disciple of Christ.

A true disciple is someone who mirrors the life of Christ; thinking, walking, talking and living like Him.


As a faithful disciple we must serve God without any compromise, even when it is inconvenient, we do not need to be pushed or pumped up to serve.  Our service should be to God and not to man. We do not serve to be seen, applauded or appreciated, we serve simply because we chose to. That is the true test of discipleship.

A Servant’s Heart

A disciple possesses the spirit that renders service both to God and to their fellow men. Just as Jesus led by example and washed His disciples’ feet, so also true disciples forget about their personal needs and focus on the needs and well being of others, this is the life we must all live.

Waiting and Watching

A true disciple’s focus is on the master’s business.  A lot of us believe the work of God in His house is solely the duty of the pastors and leaders, but it is all disciples’ duty. There are many ways we can all serve in the house of God. Ministering to lost souls, rendering help to the less fortunate in our midst, joining a ministry group and serving faithfully, giving our time no matter how inconvenient it is for the growth and progress of the work of God.

Pastor George Irabor