Fountain of Grace Announcements | Sunday 28TH JANUARY 2024

Here are the key points from the given announcement:

  1. Date and Title:
  • Title: “Fountain of Grace Announcements | Sunday 28TH JANUARY 2024”
  1. Introduction:
  • Greeting from Jamie, a member of the praise and worship team.
  • Emphasis on January being the month of High Praise.
  1. Fountain of Grace Growth Track:
  • A spiritual journey to discover God’s unique purpose.
  • Four weekly steps: Knowing God, connecting to the church, discovering strengths, and using God-given gifts.
  • Classes every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
  • Step one (Know God) next week. Registration at or church office.
  1. Baptism Sunday:
  • Upcoming on February 4th.
  • Encouragement to join in celebrating God’s work in people’s lives.
  1. Changes in Sunday Service Times:
  • Starting next week.
  • First Sunday: Two services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.
  • Remaining Sundays: Three services at 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 11:45 a.m.
  • 11:45 a.m. service specifically for young adults.
  1. Couples Night Gala:
  • Date: February 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Faith Hall.
  • Includes fellowship, food, dancing, and babysitting provided.
  1. Prayer and Counseling Opportunities:
  • JBZ Prayer Hour on Thursdays at 12:00 noon.
  • Weekly Zoom meetings:
    • Monday to Friday at 6:00 a.m. for morning devotions.
    • Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. for Bible study and discipleship class.
    • Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. for evening prayer.
  1. Giving Opportunities at Fountain of Grace:
  • Three ways to give: online, via text message, or using offering envelopes during service.

Contact the church office for more details and registration.

Past Sermons

What is Prophecy

Prophecy is advanced knowledge, they are God’s pointer, they point us to God’s intentions, his divine plans; and the purpose of prophecy is to get

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