The Strategies for Success

Our text today is from Joshua 1:8 which says “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

The keyword here is “You”, you will make your way prosperous. God has already given us blueprints and instructions to follow, all the ingredients we need to make our way prosperous have been given to us, but unfortunately we have shifted all responsibilities unto God and refused to put the work in or take responsibility for our lives. Success is not by chance or luck; it is by design and choice.

Four strategies for success

  1. This book of the law – Information:

Everything we need which pertains to life and success is already written in the word of God and we must study to show ourselves approved. Also we must be informed in our chosen area of expertise or career. Read books, do research, get information, and become highly knowledgeable in your field.

  1. Shall not depart from your mouth – Confession

Never speak anything negative over your life. Situations and circumstances may not favor you all the time, but watch your words. Do not confess, I’m not able, it is too hard, it is impossible, rather confess every promise of God in his word over your life.

  1. You shall meditate – Meditation

This simply means taking time to think and plan. There is a saying that goes thus “If you fail to plan, you have planned to fail”. Do not make hasty decisions, take your time and patiently plan.

  1. You may observe to do – Action

This is where you execute your plans. Each step you take from one to three will be ineffective if you do not work hard and put your plans into action.

Pastor George Irabor

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