The principle of positioning

Where we are and whatever struggles we face in life most times have nothing to do with the devil, they’re usually a result of the words that come out of our mouths. The words you speak reveal your identity; who you really are, and these words come as a result of your positioning, that is […]

Take charge of your life.

You can experience life in two ways, either by destiny or by fate. Fate simply means you’re allowing events to take control of your life, but what you do with life and the situations you face will determine how far you’ll enjoy the goodness and grace of God in your life. Why must you take […]

The Heart of a Father

A father loves unconditionally. Just like Jesus Christ the good shepherd would leave ninety nine sheeps and go looking for just one that’s lost, just as the father of the prodigal son threw him a banquet welcoming him back home despite him choosing to go wayward and squandering his life and possessions, so also all […]

Who is a Witness?

A witness is someone with a “First Hand Experience”, not just mere information. Imagine attending a court case where you were called to testify, you won’t be regarded as a reliable witness by saying “i heard, or i was told”, you must have been present to experience the said event first hand, this is what […]