Help From Above
This week the focus is receiving the Help of God in every area of our lives. We will agree that we cannot sail through this life alone. No matter how blessed, educated or gifted we are, we will always need the help of others and this help does not come if God does not orchestrate […]
The Wilderness Experience
When we first give our lives to Christ we are often made to believe that life will become simple and trouble-free, but as we get deeper in our walk with God, we realize that is not the reality. There will be tough times; which we refer to as “The Wilderness Experience”. The wilderness experience can be likened […]
Accessing the Supernatural Part III – Kingdom Service
In the past few weeks we have been learning about the keys to gaining access into the supernatural. The first key is Prayer, the second key is Sanctification, and today we will be looking at the third key which is Kingdom Service. Serving in the kingdom of God is not measured by acquired wealth and personal achievements but […]
Accessing the Supernatural Part II. – Sanctification
Accessing the Supernatural Part II. The first key to gaining this spiritual access is prayer; the second key is Sanctification. Sanctification is the second work of grace after the forgiveness of sin. This is a pivotal process where God starts to chisel away at our hearts, taking away the sinful nature, taking away the old habits, lifestyles and mindsets […]
Accessing the Supernatural – The Spirit of Prayer
As children of God we’re supposed to live a supernatural life, God does not dwell in our natural physical realm that’s why he wants us as His children to come up higher and live our lives in the atmosphere He already dwells in, he wants us to operate in that higher level, but sadly we […]
Our society has become one where everyone is connected but no one is connecting and it’s scary that the church is heading in that direction. We have forgotten about the tangible presence of the Almighty God and we’re so focused on social media and other things of the sort. Not that these things don’t have […]
The Principle of Discovering Your Significance
It’s not good to just merely exist or just live, but to live a life of purpose and importance. Using Moses’ story as our text, he wasn’t contented with just being known as “The son of Pharaoh’s daughter” he wanted to establish his own identity, find his own true purpose, what makes you significant are […]
The Three Levels of Preparation
To achieve the fullness of success and fulfillment in life, you must understand and engage in these 3 levels of preparation for you to be complete and sustain that which God has given to you. There are three levels of preparation, “Spiritually, Mentally and Physically”. How do we prepare spiritually, we do this by prayer, […]
What is Prophecy
Prophecy is advanced knowledge, they are God’s pointer, they point us to God’s intentions, his divine plans; and the purpose of prophecy is to get you prepared, to be in alignment with heaven. Most believers miss their prophecy, not because there’s no power in the prophecy but because they miss the second leg which is […]
The Principle of Preparation
Nothing is excellent without preparation, no one excels in life without preparation. Prayer is great, but prayer without preparation will lead to frustration. Every time God wants to do a new thing in the life of his people, he calls them to prepare, just as God said to Moses to tell the people to prepare […]